
My prayer is for you to draw near to God as you wait to be expecting. Whether you are waiting on a child, a change in life or a need to be met, let these words encourage you! "We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy."
Romans 8:24-25 MSG

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fertility Facts

My hopes were to start posting “Fertility Fact Friday” but my energy, focus and time has been elsewhere, tending to the needs of my parents. I guess it does not matter when you blog something, right?

Do you like the picture? I just love it! I go ‘gaga’ over birds, nests and eggs! I love how the man and woman’s are hands are cupped together, the eggs laying softly in them. Reminding me, when we open our hands up to God, He freely gives!

One of my favorite scriptures is “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6. I believe we are to be armed, not only with the Word of God, but the knowledge of others through resources to help us along the fertility journey. Gaining facts on how God designed our bodies, what are the different fertility diagnostic tests and treatments performed, allows us to make informed, ethical decisions. Most importantly, these facts along with prayer, gives us peace for the next step.

For more resources including books, support organizations and movies go to www.dancinguponbarrenland.com/resources.html. If you have a resource not listed on the site and would like to share, post it in the comment section below for others to see!

Thanks for visiting! Please pass this blog onto others who might benefit from it, thanks!
Fruitfully yours,

Fertility Facts:
  • If you are not able to conceive within 1 year of active intercourse below age 35, see a specialist. If over age 35 and not able to conceive after 6 months of active intercourse, see a specialist.
  • Your gynecologist only has about 6 months of infertility rotation in medical school. So that is why it is important to see a specialist for your fertility needs.
  • A Fertility Specialist is called a Reproductive Endocrinologist Doctor.

Support Organization
Christian Medical and Dental Association. www.cmdahome.org a listing of Christian doctors and dentists.

Last Monday Morning’s Prayer topic was grief. I’ve listed some of my favorite resources here.

Experiencing Grief, H. Norman Wright, B&H Publishers, 2004. A pocketbook to aid those through the five stages of grief. (I highly recommend this booklet!)

Grieving the Child I Never Knew, Kathe Wunnenberg, Zondervan 2001. A Devotional companion for comfort in the loss of your unborn or newly born child. (Great gift for someone who has experienced loss).

When Love and Sorrow Embrace: the Sufficiency of God’s Grace through the Heartache of Miscarriage, Beth Forbus, Xulon Press, 2006. (A valuable resource for a support group).

Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death (M.E.N.D.) A Christian Outreach to those who have lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death. Support Groups, quarterly newsletter and website. www.mend.org.

Sarah’s Laughter
Online support, as well as infertility seminars, provides memorial services for miscarriages/stillbirth.
www.sarahs-laughter.com (My friend, Beth Forbus heads this organization. I invited her to our support group to conduct a memorial service for our ladies, it was powerful and many women were set free from the grief that bound them. I highly recommend having her to speak if you lead a support group.)

Child Loss
www.weloveyoujoel.blogspot.com. My friend, Cindy Morris shares her story through her blog about losing their 3 yr. old son Joel, to Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. You'll be encouraged as she openly shares her heart.

1 comment:

  1. I wish books like this had been around when we lost our youngest son in 1993. Timothy was born around 8 weeks early and was a Trisomy 13...short explanation is an extra piece of genetic material was attached to the 13 pair of chromosoes. The further up the chain, the fewer the defects, although there are varying degrees..Downs is officially Trisomy 21. He was born via C-section as the amniotic fluid was getting lower and the doctor wanted him out. We didn't know beforehand so the result of the chromosome test was a shock to the doctor as well as us. I was young enough not to need one so we didn't have one early on. We lost Timothy after 27 hours, but have hope of the Return of Christ to see him again. In the meantime, I assume that he is hanging out with his grandfathers....and they are teaching him to fish.
