
My prayer is for you to draw near to God as you wait to be expecting. Whether you are waiting on a child, a change in life or a need to be met, let these words encourage you! "We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy."
Romans 8:24-25 MSG

Friday, October 22, 2010

There's a Rooster in the Hen House

Well, if you read the recent Fertility Fact Friday then you will gather why I posted those particular acronyms. For the devotional below, I have transposed the medical acronyms into spiritual acronyms. I must say a God-given idea! I pray they will point you to Christ, His Word and prayer.

Through this 'test' of infertility God has written a testimony through my life, and still continues to do so. His faithfulness to me through my endless doubting and questions to Him have brought me such great comfort. So, it is through my experiences and writing on this blog (and the website, www.dancinguponbarrenland.com) that I hope to portray a loving, caring God who has not forsaken His daughters.

So what you'll read below is how it all got started! As you notice it all began in a Bible Study with my close girlfriends. We've been hanging together for a long time! The picture above was taken awhile back. I'm sure I'll here a complaint from one of them about posting this picture.
I'll just mention that when they have their own blog, then they can post whatever picture they want. (smiles)

Telling the truth...that's what friends are for, right?

Have a great weekend!

Present Mental State – PMS Journal your present thoughts.

Living HopeLH

“There’s a Rooster in the Hen House!” interesting you may think, what a funny title for a Devotional post about one woman’s spiritual journey through infertility. But, it’s a sure thing! It all began at a ‘Hen House’ meeting, amongst my girlfriends. There was a surprise visitor and it wasn’t just another hen or chick, it was the rooster himself!

Before this particular meeting, I would have days where I asked the infamous questions “What am I here for? “What is my purpose in life?” Most likely you have asked similar questions at one time or another. These questions were coupled with such intensity that I would label them ‘crash days’. Nothing or no one could satisfy the deep cavernous ache within. Not realizing that the childhood dream of becoming a mother was buried deep down inside me, only to be unearthed by one simple question.

In December 1997, my husband and I had just moved into our new home. A dream come true! For years my close girlfriends and I would always be involved in some sort of small group Bible study together. Each new study opened our minds and hearts about God and His Kingdom. However, I didn’t know this particular Bible Study would prove to be a turning point in my life. For the most part, we would study the Bible, eat, pray...then eat some more! Our time together afforded the opportunity to try out new recipes, to be filled physically and spiritually.

Over the years we have dubbed ourselves, “THE PeePs”. Of course, a peep is the sound you hear when baby chicks come together, like a bunch of girls coming together. This time around, at my Hen House, on what we consider a cold day in Southeast Texas (sixty degrees), I was leading the Bible Study titled The Mind of Christ, by Henry Blackaby. In one particular chapter there was a question proposed to us: ‘What are the five desires of your heart?’ I proceeded to make my list quickly. After reviewing what I had written I noticed about four out of the five desires were for my husband, only one for me.

In the Bible, God uses His creation to get our attention, just like he used the rooster to crow to indicate to Peter his denial of Christ, a donkey to speak to Balaam and a raven to feed Elijah. For me, figuratively speaking, it was at this Bible Study that the rooster appeared! God Himself! He pecked my heart, not an intended wound, but a light tap. His presence created a tug upon my heart, a strong stirring
to begin to pray for the God-intended purpose for my life. Little did I know what was to happen in the coming month.

Now, I write symbolically to portray and give you a visual picture of the setting that I was in, but also, I write in reverence to my Heavenly Father, God. As you will see throughout the forthcoming posts I will express very candidly and openly about my relationship with Christ. He is my friend, I talk to Him as I would my friends, but with a profound respect. I pray that He is your friend too!

My journey down this barren road may be different than yours. In fact, no two journeys’ of infertility are alike. We may not take the same path but our hearts carry the same feelings. There are those feelings of hopelessness, emptiness and a sense of being forgotten. I can say that mine has truly been a journey of faith along a dry, dusty road. Might I add, a very slow, wandering in the wilderness. However, throughout the many miles of the hard road I have traveled, He has stationed Himself along the way for me as the Rock to rest upon and Living Water that is quenching my parched soul and body. He extends His strong arms with nail scarred hands and lifts me to my feet, constantly filling me with joy, for the moment, which gives me strength for what lies ahead.

What about you? How are you making it? Infertility can be extremely difficult! Are you all alone? I know you may feel alone, but you don’t have to be. Let me introduce you to my friend, Jesus Christ, the Savior. The One who is faithful to walk with you and carry you through this barren land.

Faith is the Substance of things Hoped for - FSH A scripture to meditate or memorize. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

His Continued Grace – HCG A prayer for you. Perhaps you may not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. If you don’t have an understanding of what salvation is then go to the About Page and click the Prayer of Salvation. I hope you’ll think about asking Him to come into your heart and become Lord over your life. If so, consider praying this prayer below.

"Dear Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I ask that you will come into my heart, to be my Lord and Savior. I trust You with my life. Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins, and eternal life. I ask this in Your name, Amen."

Praise God – PG Take a moment to praise and thank Him for touching your heart.

If you prayed the prayer above, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment.


  1. Here is the complaint, didn't we take a better picture back in January, where is that one :) Great blog, as usual.

  2. H,
    You are so right, we did! But here is the deal, remember we took 2 pictures to fit all of us? With this blogger thingey it's challenging to get 2 pictures just right (for me anyway!) So... When my website is up I'll post ALL pictures of the PeeP's good and not-so-good, lol!
    Love ya, my friend!

  3. Uh, I agree with Heather... and technically, don't you need permission from anyone whose pics you post? (Hmmm, called a release, right?) I thought the rooster was the one in the pic - Max... Guess not. Great post, BTW.

  4. Jo,

    A release form, come on! You were aware the picture taken last January was for a post, remember? And I had your permission then. That's it, no more pictures of PeeP's! I will just show a picture of five smooth stones, then you all can argue over which one you are.

    Either way PeeP's, I know you LOVE ME!


    btw- In relation to this post, you were in Atlanta, newly married w/no children yet. :)
